Monday, March 15, 2010

Classroom Discipline Plan

Safety in the Classroom
Students need to be aware the classroom is a safe and friendly environment. I will not tolerate any physical or emotional harm towards anyone in the classroom or school. A natural consequence would be someone getting hurt.

Be Respectful to Each Other
Students need to know everyone is their equal. This includes calling each other inappropriate names or using derogatory terms towards one another. A natural consequence is losing the respect from others. Peers will look down upon each other and will less likely work with one another.

No Electronic Devices
When teaching a new lesson and students are supposed to be listening, students should not be using electronic devices. It shows students are not paying attention to learning the content they are being taught. A logical consequence would be to take away the electronic device and bagging and tagging it.

Ask Questions
Students have difficulty understanding and learning new content. Clarifications need to be made such that they can get a better understanding of what is being taught to them. A natural consequence would be for students to not understand a concept being learned.

No Copying
The point of doing individual work and taking individual assessments is to gauge an individuals understanding on content. If students are copying from another, they are not learning the material, rather learning how to get around the system in an unethical fashion. A natural consequence would be to not understand the material, and to have a guilty conscience for in immoral act.


  1. I like how you included no copying as one of your rules. I think this is a widely unspoken rule and I like that you put it on the rules.

  2. I like that one of your rules is to ask questions. Often times, students are afraid to ask questions, so I think it is important to let them know that you want to hear their questions.
