Sunday, February 14, 2010

Week 3 Post

Surprising thing in the classroom has to be:

how my students responded and was excited and engaged for once. Usually they are pretty inactive unless they have their own social agenda with their buds going on in the classroom. Too bad they were engage on a non-math related subject. I guess I should tell you peeps the story.

A student made a negative derogatory comment to another student using the word gay/homo. I addressed it and told them it was inappropriate and then asked them why they used that word. Eventually we got into a pretty intense class discussion on minorities and how my students were a minority. We also covered the issue of multiple perspectives and not getting information from a single source and not basing facts off a solitary sources. Pretty much all the students were adding to the conversation, some of the shy quiet girls stayed quiet, but they were listening intensely at the discussion.

If only I could get this kind of discussion going about math. How to make math more controversial.....

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